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197 Results
Mexico Flag
Mexico Country Outlook 2021
What should businesses and investors know to successfully navigate Mexico's complicated economic, social and political landscape in 2021? The Center for the United States and Mexico answered this question at an exclusive virtual conference on possible government responses to Mexico’s myriad challenges. Download the supporting report, below.
December 15, 2020
An engineering student types on a laptop.
Where Have All the Domestic Graduate Students Gone?
University Professor Moshe Vardi condemns the actions taken by the U.S. government to restrict the immigration of technical workers into the country but also questions why the U.S. has become so dependent on international students as the major workforce for its academic science and engineering research enterprise. Baker Institute Blog: https://bit.ly/3llmHg2
Moshe Vardi October 6, 2020
A refugee boy holds a stuffed animal.
Building a New Life in Uncertain Times: The Impact of COVID-19 on Refugees in the U.S.
The Covid-19 pandemic created unprecedented challenges for resettled refugees in the U.S. and exposed underlying vulnerabilities that particularly impact refugee women and children, as well as the organizations that work to support them. The authors examine the difficulties facing refugees in the U.S. and offer policy recommendations that may help them.
Kelsey Norman, Quianta Moore, Zeinab Bakhiet July 14, 2020
America’s Children: Responding to the Crisis Now with the Future in Mind
Parental stress, which is heightened during natural disasters, can produce negative physiological responses in the developing brains of their infants and young children. This irreversibly alters the child’s brain structure, impacting their long-term prospects for good health and academic and economic success. Now is the time to institute policies and practices that mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the next generation, write the authors,
Quianta Moore, Christopher Greeley June 30, 2020
The flags of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.
The USMCA’s Future in Context
In the last of a series of reports on the USMCA, fellow David Gantz considers the trade-related matters that could affect the success of the USMCA as a mechanism for encouraging investment, creating new jobs and enhancing consumer welfare in North America.
David A. Gantz June 16, 2020