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12 Results
What’s in Store for the French Presidential Election in April 2022?
With center-right President Emmanuel Macron facing off against extreme-right Marine Le Pen, what’s in store for the French presidential election next April? In a new brief, Baker Institute faculty scholar Julie Fette and William Tsai, Rice '24, examine the polls, platforms and possibilities.
William Tsai, Julie Fette October 19, 2021
Disentangling Circular Economy, Sustainability and Waste Management Principles
The term “sustainability” is a frequently misconstrued descriptor, oftentimes used synonymously with the concept of a circular economy. In this issue brief, energy fellow Rachel Meidl explains the distinction between circularity and sustainability and how a systems-level approach to waste management can build an economy that is resilient to future global disruptions.
Rachel A. Meidl July 29, 2021
Nanotechnology structures.
Measuring the True Cost of Sustainability: A Case Study in a Green Energy Approach
The authors present a case study that considers the technological merits of methane pyrolysis while also addressing real-world implications including health and safety risks and commercial risks for introducing new carbon supply chains. This issue brief is a preliminary paper introducing forthcoming research that will be expounded upon in future publications. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25613/7tvg-6k39
Rachel A. Meidl, Emily Yedinak April 28, 2020
Oil drums
Does Foreign Aid Help or Hurt FDI? That is the Question
Michelle Michot Foss, fellow in energy and minerals, suggests that host governments are often not well positioned to implement market-based reforms and “liberalization.” This is problematic because foreign aid is subject to home country fiscal and political cycles. This working paper is part of a series titled “The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Resource-Rich Regions.”
Michelle Michot Foss February 24, 2020