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774 Results
Welcome sign
Building the Welcome Corps, an Alternative Pathway for Refugees: A Conversation with Craig Damian Smith
Biden's new Welcome Corps program enables regular Americans to sponsor refugees. In this brief, Kelsey Norman and Ana Martin Gil outline a conversation with Craig Damian Smith, co-founder of Pairity, on the Canadian model for private refugee sponsorship and how it can inform the U.S. context.
Kelsey Norman, Ana Martín Gil June 20, 2023
Teen Depression
Baker Briefing: America’s Youth Mental Health Crisis
Young people in the U.S. face an unprecedented mental health crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated rates of depression, anxiety and suicide among adolescents that were already at historically high levels before the pandemic. Since 2020, mental health-related emergency room visits have increased 31% among adolescents while suicide rates among teenagers increased 25%.
Edward M. Emmett, Rola El-Serag, Lilian Dindo, Jan Lindsay June 7, 2023