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57 Results
Disentangling Circular Economy, Sustainability and Waste Management Principles
The term “sustainability” is a frequently misconstrued descriptor, oftentimes used synonymously with the concept of a circular economy. In this issue brief, energy fellow Rachel Meidl explains the distinction between circularity and sustainability and how a systems-level approach to waste management can build an economy that is resilient to future global disruptions.
Rachel A. Meidl July 29, 2021
Rio Grande
Beyond the Rio Grande Water Debt
Stephen Mumme, nonresident scholar at the Center for the United States and Mexico, explores the recent Rio Grande water war and its temporary resolution, arguing that the 1944 water treaty has once again proven resilient and adaptable to the challenges confronting both the United States and Mexico as they share their transboundary water resources.
Stephen Mumme December 8, 2020