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35 Results
Welcome sign
Building the Welcome Corps, an Alternative Pathway for Refugees: A Conversation with Craig Damian Smith
Biden's new Welcome Corps program enables regular Americans to sponsor refugees. In this brief, Kelsey Norman and Ana Martin Gil outline a conversation with Craig Damian Smith, co-founder of Pairity, on the Canadian model for private refugee sponsorship and how it can inform the U.S. context.
Kelsey Norman, Ana Martín Gil June 20, 2023
Turkey map
Mainstreaming Gender to Remedy Inequality: Refugee Groups in Turkey Show the Way
The number of forcibly displaced people in the world has recently reached a record high: 89.3 million. Women and girls make up almost half of the world’s forcibly displaced populations, while lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or queer (LGBTIQ+) persons are increasingly seeking refuge outside of their countries of origin.
Merve Erdilmen March 23, 2023
Gender and Migration in Egypt: Searching for the Independent Migrant Woman’s Voice
This policy brief draws attention to the limited representation of independent Egyptian migrant women and discusses the likely factors behind the absence of women’s voices in the field. It also highlights the positive impacts that can stem from Egyptian women’s migration, including higher remittance flows and the empowerment of women in Egyptian society.
Adam Eddouss March 22, 2023