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3 Results
Woman at refugee camp in Syria
Refugee Legal Protection and Capacity Building in Türkiye: A Conversation with Zaid Hydari
Turkey currently hosts nearly 4 million refugees — predominantly Syrians who have fled their country’s civil war. Ensuring adequate legal protection for those seeking asylum and improving the capacity of Turkish institutions and civil society organizations to serve those in need is vital. This policy brief, based on a conversation with Refugee Solidarity Network founder and director Zaid Hydari, explains how domestic and international bodies can support the many refugees in Turkey.
Kelsey Norman, Ana Martín Gil, Beyza Yildirim, Imogen Brown February 27, 2024
Asia at night
Time to Reapply Defense Diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific
A defense diplomacy shielded from the influence of nationalistic and partisan sentiments presents a valuable opportunity for the U.S. to advance regional security in the Indo-Pacific, and to forge a path to a more equitable and peaceful future with China, writes nonresident scholar Daniel Katz.
Daniel H. Katz October 2, 2020