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10 Results
Hidden money
Corruption and Democracy in Mexico: An Empirical Analysis
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has pledged to end corrupt practices in Mexico. Yet some of his other goals — such as returning to a more centralized government — might actually foster corruption. Postdoctoral fellow Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez explores this situation and analyzes the relationship between democracy and corruption in Mexico.
Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez October 3, 2019
Wad of cash on top of a contract
Measuring Corruption in Mexico
Measuring the costs of corruption around the world is challenging due to varying definitions of corruption, the invisibility of many corrupt acts, and the subjectivity of perceptions. In this research paper, postdoctoral research fellow Jose I. Rodriguez-Sanchez explores the difficulties of measuring corruption in Mexico.
Jose Ivan Rodriguez-Sanchez December 11, 2018
Topographic map of Middle East
The Mythology of the Sectarian Middle East
The invocation of sectarianism as a category of analysis for understanding the Middle East is misleading. It conflates a religious identification with a political one, and it ignores the kinship, class and national and regional networks within which sectarian self-expression has invariably been enmeshed. What is urgently needed is a new research agenda to study the dialectic — the complex, constant and unequal relationship between local and foreign — that makes up the modern Middle East.
Ussama Makdisi February 13, 2017