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111 Results
The globe at night; focus on Europe
The Madrid Summit and the Future of NATO
Russia’s attack on Ukraine — the culmination of over a decade marked by growing Russian military interference in Georgia and then Ukraine — has refocused NATO’s attention on the threat posed by Moscow.
Joe Barnes July 5, 2022
Map of Ukraine
War in Ukraine?
Joe Barnes considers the origins and implications of the ongoing crisis over Ukraine in a post for the Baker Institute Blog.
Joe Barnes January 31, 2022
Map syringe
Hotez: A COVID Vaccine for All
As the world faces the latest wave of COVID-19, a vaccine produced by health fellow Peter Hotez and his colleague Maria Elena Bottazzi is ready to be deployed. Their CORBEVAX vaccine is inexpensive, effective, safe and easy to store and distribute, they write. Read their article in Scientific American: https://bit.ly/3n28isA
Peter J. Hotez, Maria Elena Bottazzi January 6, 2022