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107 Results
Middle East Map
False Hopes? Prospects for Political Inclusion in Rojava and Iraqi Kurdistan
By Mustafa Gurbuz, Ph.D., Arab Center, Washington D.C. The Syrian civil war drastically changed the future prospects of Kurds in both Syria and Iraq. This brief examines the challenges that prevent a politically inclusive culture in Syrian Kurdistan—popularly known as Rojava—and Iraqi Kurdistan. This brief and research paper are part of a project on pluralism and inclusion in the Middle East after the Arab Spring. The project is generously supported by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Mustafa Gurbuz September 5, 2018
Women in hijab in a crowd
Women in the Egyptian Parliament: A Different Agenda?
Women in Egypt achieved a historic increase in their legislative representation in 2015, securing 14.9 percent of seats in parliament. In this brief, Cairo University professor Mazen Hassan analyzes transcripts of parliamentary sessions to determine whether this increase in female parliamentarians had a noticeable impact on Egypt’s legislative agenda.
Mazen Hassan September 2, 2018
Women in hijab in a crowd
Women Driving in Saudi Arabia: Ban Lifted, What Are the Economic and Health Effects?
In June 2018, Saudi Arabia finally put an end to its legal ban on women driving, opening the way for millions of new drivers to navigate across a country three times bigger than Texas. While the long-overdue policy shift provides relief to women who lacked freedom of mobility, the onset of so many new drivers has enormous consequences for transportation and the energy sector, as well as labor market participation and public health.
Jim Krane, Farhan Majid June 13, 2018
Unbalanced scales of justice.
Working Under Constraints: The PJD in the Aftermath of the 2016 Elections
Morocco's monarchy preserves its power by maintaining a balance among the country’s 33 political parties, preventing the emergence of a strong party, and further dividing an already fragmented political elite. The author examines how the Justice and Development Party (PJD) has survived and grown under such constraints.
Driss Maghraoui May 29, 2018