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102 Results
A child refugee stands behind a fence.
Transforming Refugees Into Migrants: Institutional Change and the Politics of International Protection
Based on their combined research on migration in Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia, the authors argue that states and international organizations are actively transforming the international refugee regime from within through policy “conversion,” blurring the legal distinction between the categories of refugees and migrants. European Journal of International Relations: http://bit.ly/34uwBny
Lama Mourad, Kelsey Norman November 6, 2019
Map of Middle East.
The New Guardians of Religion: Islam and Authority in the Middle East
Who speaks for Islam and who holds religious authority in the Middle East? These questions strike at the heart of the relationship between religion and politics in the Muslim world, for whoever can legitimately claim religious authority has an opportunity to shape the extent to which religion is politicized in the region. Our study examines this issue by identifying the channels of influence between religious leaders who claim to hold Islamic authority and individual Muslims across the region. The findings depict a complex religious space in the Middle East that reflects its citizens’ nuanced approach toward religion and the religion-politics relationship.
A.Kadir Yildirim March 12, 2019
Image of pillars in Lebanon
Growth Without Development: The Role of Lebanon’s Legislative Agenda
Lebanon faces significant developmental challenges, including insufficient electricity supply, environmental degradation and staggering inequality, yet the government has not invested in these areas despite substantial economic growth in recent decades. This student brief uses agenda-setting theory to argue that Lebanon’s disappointing record of development is reflected in the narrow political agenda of the government. This brief is part of a two-year project on pluralism and inclusion in the Middle East post-Arab Spring. The project is generously supported by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Mounir Mahmalat October 10, 2018