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342 Results
The Federal Research Portfolio: Capitalizing on Investments in R&D
Neal Lane, senior fellow in science and technology policy, testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on July 17, 2014. Lane is co-chair of the American Academy of Arts and Science's project on New Models for U.S. Science and Technology Policy, and his testimony addressed the project's objective of sustaining a long-term, nonpartisan, national focus on science and technology policy issues of vital importance to the country.
Neal F. Lane July 17, 2014
The US Supreme Court and cloudy sky
Five Questions: Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and Obamacare
The Supreme Court handed down a 5-4 ruling on the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case Monday, allowing some for-profit companies to opt out of paying for certain contraceptives for their employees. Elena Marks, president and CEO of the Episcopal Health Foundation and Baker Institute nonresident fellow in health policy, offered her insights on the ruling and how it will impact implementation of the Affordable Care Act, women’s access to reproductive care and future court cases.
Elena M. Marks July 1, 2014
Ballot box in front of the Mexican flag
Mexico’s National Electoral Institute: Ensuring Fair Elections at the Local Level
On May 23, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto signed a series of bills to implement constitutional changes to the country’s political and electoral processes. The reforms bring some of the most dynamic shifts to Mexican politics since the 1990s, including replacing the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) with the National Electoral Institute (INE). The new INE and the measures behind it now strive to replicate the IFE’s success in the country's states and municipalities.
Dylan McNally June 30, 2014
Oil rig at night
Will Pemex Remain “First Among Equals” Under Mexico’s Upcoming Petroleum Legislation?
Under proposed legislation to implement Mexico’s energy reforms, Pemex will remain a privileged state operator supporting exploration and production in most of the country's proven onshore and shallow water fields. It is not known if energy reform will effectively turn Pemex into a firm able to compete without policy bias against private investors.
Isidro Morales June 13, 2014
Mexico Flag
Coordinated Regulatory Agencies: New Governance for Mexico's Energy Sector
Energy regulation under Mexico's energy-sector reforms are of great interest to investors, since autonomous regulators—protected from political pressures and able to make and sustain technical decisions—can guarantee greater legal consistency than government authorities exposed to political pressures. The difficulty was finding an alternative model that ensured the institutional strengthening of the agencies without relinquishing too much control of the executive branch.
Miriam Grunstein June 10, 2014
Marijuana Law
Marijuana Won’t Be Legal in Texas Anytime Soon
Following the legalization of retail marijuana sales in Colorado and Washington, and medical marijuana in 22 states with more to follow, marijuana legalization appears inevitable — even in “law and order” states like Texas. Political science fellow Mark P. Jones discusses why Texas is unlikely to legalize the sale and consumption of marijuana in the near future.
Mark P. Jones June 4, 2014