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101 Results
A Perfect Storm for US Foreign Policy
Armed conflicts in the Middle East and Europe and a strained relationship with China mean that U.S. foreign policy is currently operating in crisis mode. Fellow Joe Barnes discusses the many challenges we face and how multiple issues are contributing to this perfect storm.
Joe Barnes December 6, 2023
US Capitol
Ukraine Is Now the Other War
Republicans are ready to support Israel. But what about Ukraine? As the war between Israel and Hamas intensifies, fellow Joe Barnes examines the shifting focus of U.S. foreign policy and what it means for Kyiv.
Joe Barnes November 10, 2023
President Biden Ukraine
The Gaza War Reveals Signs of US Strategic Overreach
The deepening conflict in Gaza reveals the risk of being a global power. It’s time for us to substantially reduce U.S. commitments around the world — or dramatically increase the resources we commit to defending our far-flung interests, writes fellow Joe Barnes.
Joe Barnes October 17, 2023
Elections US
Foreign Policy Roundup: The 2024 Republicans
Where do the GOP presidential hopefuls stand on major foreign policy issues? Bonner Means Baker Fellow Joe Barnes explores the Republican candidates’ likely policy approaches to the Ukraine war, Chinese expansionism, fentanyl at the border and more.
Joe Barnes August 22, 2023
NATO flag
At the NATO Summit, Ukraine Got Half a Loaf
Ukraine might have mixed feelings about the NATO summit outcome. But Biden can count the meeting — which saw NATO fall in line with his cautious approach to the Russia-Ukraine war — a success, writes fellow Joe Barnes.
Joe Barnes July 26, 2023
DMS 110122
Looking Back at Our Impact in 2022
In 2022, the nation faced fundamental questions about how we govern our economy and society — particularly how we formulate public policy. Here, we share 10 highlights of our work that illustrate our impact from the previous year.
David M. Satterfield December 21, 2022