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4 Results
Global connections span the continents; focus on the Americas
Baker Briefing: Latin American Energy and Politics
Latin America represents the largest energy resource base outside of the Middle East. The region’s vast energy resources — including significant crude oil and natural gas resources — and its unique political landscape make Latin America a significant player that could shift the geopolitical weight from the East to the West.  
Edward M. Emmett, Mark P. Jones, Francisco J. Monaldi May 25, 2023
Oil rig at night
Implications of the Oil Prospects for Latin America
The mix of good short-term prospects for oil revenues along with long-term market uncertainties has a clear policy implication for oil-dependent Latin American economies: use the larger short-term revenues to diversify their economies, nonresident fellow José Antonio Ocampo writes in a new issue brief.
José Antonio Ocampo November 9, 2018
anti-corruption protests in Brazil
The Lengthy Brazilian Crisis Is Not Yet Over
Since the first quarter of 2014, Brazil has been living in crisis mode as the result of a severe economic crisis in conjunction with an investigation into widespread corruption that has penetrated the highest offices in the government. Although the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff in 2016 did offer some hope for recovery, recent events demonstrate that Brazil's troubles are still ongoing. Contributing expert Sergio Fausto analyzes the main factors leading to this crisis and surveys the current economic and political situation.
Sergio Fausto February 17, 2017