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9 Results
A gavel rests in front of the Mexican flag.
Coordination of the Regulators of the Hydrocarbon Sector: Is It Optimal for the Rule of Law?
One of the goals of Mexico's energy reform was to create a regulatory system that would foster competition in a very complex political environment. This framework, known as "coordinated regulatory bodies," was established in Article 28 of the Constitution and is intended to oversee and regulate the hydrocarbons sector. This paper conducts a legal analysis of this new model of regulation and seeks to determine whether its implementation strengthens the rule of law in Mexico.
Miriam Grunstein April 5, 2017
A gavel rests in front of the Mexican flag.
Prologue: Energy, The Law, and "The Mexican Way"
Mexico’s energy reforms created a still-developing reality whereby interactions among the players require new rules, new dispute settlement procedures, and far-reaching legal expertise. Importantly, the reforms also redefined the country's prevailing culture and legal norms. This prologue serves as a guide for readers of the series of papers that follow on the impact of energy reforms on Mexico's rule of law.
Luis Rubio January 4, 2017