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1420 Results
A Perfect Storm for US Foreign Policy
Armed conflicts in the Middle East and Europe and a strained relationship with China mean that U.S. foreign policy is currently operating in crisis mode. Fellow Joe Barnes discusses the many challenges we face and how multiple issues are contributing to this perfect storm.
Joe Barnes December 6, 2023
Opening day at COP28 in Dubai
Baker Briefing: A ‘Moment of Truth’ at COP28 Climate Talks
Global leaders met in Dubai this month for the 28th annual United Nations Conference of the Parties on climate change — known as COP28. In the lead-up to the conference, our expert panel broke down the key political and policy issues at play. 
Mark Finley, Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, Jim Krane, Rachel A. Meidl, Joe Barnes November 29, 2023
US Capitol
Ukraine Is Now the Other War
Republicans are ready to support Israel. But what about Ukraine? As the war between Israel and Hamas intensifies, fellow Joe Barnes examines the shifting focus of U.S. foreign policy and what it means for Kyiv.
Joe Barnes November 10, 2023
Women in lab
From Overlooked to Nobel Laureate: Katalin Karikó’s Journey
The work of Katalin Karikó, 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine recipient, laid a foundation for the development of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines that saved close to 20 million lives worldwide. But her discoveries almost did not happen, writes Alicia L. Johnson, a civic science postdoctoral associate at the Baker Institute Center for Health and Biosciences. Karikó’s story highlights the vital importance of supporting women in STEM.
Alicia L. Johnson October 30, 2023