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2724 Results
Doctor reviews large sheet of imaging output in a clinical hallway
Cancer Research in the United States: Dying by a Thousand Paper Cuts
In a genuine effort to protect patients from adverse events, regulatory burdens and research rigidity in clinical trials have increased to a point at which such protection is outweighing the benefits, and actually harming patients who are unable to be involved in clinical trials.
Hagop M. Kantarjian, David J. Stewart, Leonard A. Zwelling June 6, 2013
Latin America Initiative | Program
Americas Project
A collaboration uniting the resources and expertise of Rice University's Baker Institute and the Organization of American States.
June 1, 2013
The Case for Corporate Income Tax Reform
The positive effects of a corporate income tax reform in the United States might well be enhanced by a simultaneous move to a territorial system coupled with anti-base erosion provisions designed to limit revenue losses; however, the effects of implementing territoriality are tenuous and seem likely to be small in the aggregate. Published by the American Action Forum.
John W. Diamond, George R. Zodrow May 29, 2013
This photo shows an aerial view of solar panels.
Renewable Energy: Hype and Reality
Countries around the Persian Gulf are falling behind with regard to renewables, both for technical and for political reasons. And they need to diversify — just like the rest of us — if they are going to keep local consumption from using up too much of the oil they would rather sell.
Jim Krane May 7, 2013